DSPy Can’t Retrieve Passage with Text Embeddings in ChromaDB: A Step-by-Step Guide to Troubleshooting
Image by Erinne - hkhazo.biz.id

DSPy Can’t Retrieve Passage with Text Embeddings in ChromaDB: A Step-by-Step Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you struggling to retrieve passages with text embeddings in ChromaDB using DSPy? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue can bring your entire project to a grinding halt. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a troubleshooting adventure to get you back on track.

What is DSPy and ChromaDB?

DSPy is a Python library designed to simplify the process of working with chromatography data, particularly in the context of metabolomics and lipidomics. ChromaDB, on the other hand, is a database specifically designed to store and manage chromatography data. When used together, DSPy and ChromaDB form a powerful duo for analyzing and retrieving chromatography data.

The Problem: DSPy Can’t Retrieve Passage with Text Embeddings in ChromaDB

So, you’ve carefully crafted your DSPy script to retrieve passages with text embeddings from ChromaDB, but for some reason, it’s just not working. You’ve checked your code, your database connection is stable, and you’ve even tried bribing your computer with extra coffee – yet, nothing seems to be working.

Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you overcome this hurdle.

Step 1: Verify Your ChromaDB Connection

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of DSPy, let’s make sure you’re properly connected to ChromaDB. Open a new Python script and enter the following code:

import chromadb

# Replace with your ChromaDB credentials
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"
host = "your_host"
port = 5432

conn = chromadb.connect(

if conn:
    print("Connected to ChromaDB!")
    print("Failed to connect to ChromaDB")

Run this script to verify your connection to ChromaDB. If you’re not getting a successful connection, double-check your credentials, host, and port.

Step 2: Check Your DSPy Installation

Ensure you have the latest version of DSPy installed. You can check by running:

pip show dsPy

If you’re not running the latest version, upgrade using:

pip install --upgrade dsPy

Step 3: Review Your DSPy Script

Take a closer look at your DSPy script, specifically the part where you’re trying to retrieve passages with text embeddings. Here’s an example script:

import dsPy

# Create a DSPy client
client = dsPy.Client()

# Define your query
query = {
    " passages ": {
        " filter ": {
            " text_embedding ": "your_text_embedding"

# Execute the query
result = client.query(query)

# Print the result

Check for the following:

  • Are you using the correct ChromaDB collection and database?
  • Is your text embedding correctly formatted and spelled?
  • Are you using the correct DSPy syntax for querying passages with text embeddings?

Step 4: Check ChromaDB Logs and Indexing

Sometimes, issues can arise due to ChromaDB logging or indexing problems. Check the ChromaDB logs for any errors related to your query. You can do this by:


Look for any errors or warnings related to your query. If you find any, address them accordingly.

Additionally, ensure that your ChromaDB database is properly indexed. You can check the indexing status using:


If your database is not indexed, re-index it using:


Step 5: Test DSPy with a Simple Query

Let’s simplify things by testing DSPy with a basic query that doesn’t involve text embeddings. Try retrieving a list of all passages in your ChromaDB database:

import dsPy

client = dsPy.Client()

query = {"passages": {"filter": {}}}

result = client.query(query)


If this query works, it indicates that the issue is specific to the text embedding filter.

Step 6: Check Text Embedding Formatting

Text embeddings can be finicky, so let’s ensure you’re formatting them correctly. Check the DSPy documentation for the correct formatting guidelines. A common mistake is incorrect escaping or quoting.

Try hardcoding a simple text embedding in your query, like this:

query = {
    "passages": {
        "filter": {
            "text_embedding": "hello world"

If this query works, it suggests that the issue is with your original text embedding.

Step 7: Seek Additional Help

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it’s time to seek additional help. You can:

  • Check the DSPy and ChromaDB documentation for any specific troubleshooting guides.
  • Search online forums and communities for similar issues.
  • Reach out to the DSPy and ChromaDB developers or support teams for assistance.

Remember to provide detailed information about your setup, script, and error messages to get the best possible help.


Troubleshooting can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, but with this step-by-step guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing DSPy from retrieving passages with text embeddings in ChromaDB. Remember to stay calm, methodically work through each step, and don’t hesitate to seek additional help when needed. Happy troubleshooting!

Step Description
1 Verify ChromaDB Connection
2 Check DSPy Installation
3 Review DSPy Script
4 Check ChromaDB Logs and Indexing
5 Test DSPy with a Simple Query
6 Check Text Embedding Formatting
7 Seek Additional Help

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and getting back to analyzing those valuable chromatography data. Good luck, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with DSPy and ChromaDB? Fret not! We’ve got you covered with these FAQs about retrieving passages with text embeddings.

Q1: Why can’t I retrieve passages with text embeddings using DSPy in ChromaDB?

This might happen if your ChromaDB instance isn’t configured to support text embeddings. Ensure that you’ve enabled the feature and uploaded the required embeddings. DSPy relies on this setup to function correctly. Double-check your ChromaDB setup, and you should be good to go!

Q2: How do I enable text embeddings in ChromaDB?

Easy peasy! Log in to your ChromaDB account, navigate to the ‘Settings’ section, and toggle the ‘Text Embeddings’ switch to ‘On’. Then, follow the prompts to upload your text embeddings file. That’s it! Your ChromaDB instance should now support text embeddings.

Q3: What format do my text embeddings need to be in for ChromaDB to recognize them?

ChromaDB supports text embeddings in the binary format (.bin) or in a CSV file with the embeddings in a separate column. Ensure your file is in one of these formats, and you’re all set!

Q4: Can I use DSPy with other databases besides ChromaDB?

Currently, DSPy is designed to work seamlessly with ChromaDB. However, our team is actively exploring integrations with other databases. Stay tuned for updates! In the meantime, you can still use ChromaDB for text embeddings and DSPy for passage retrieval.

Q5: What if I’m still facing issues with DSPy and ChromaDB?

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Reach out to our support team with detailed information about the issue you’re facing. We’ll get back to you ASAP with a solution or guide you through troubleshooting steps.