User does not have permissions to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs via Terraform (Azapi)
Image by Erinne -

User does not have permissions to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs via Terraform (Azapi)

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Are you trying to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs using Terraform (Azapi) but getting stuck with the frustrating error “User does not have permissions”? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Azure permissions and Terraform to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

Understanding Azure Permissions

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand how Azure permissions work. Azure uses a role-based access control (RBAC) system, which assigns permissions to users, groups, or service principals at a specific scope. This scope can be a subscription, resource group, or even a specific resource.

In the context of Terraform and Azapi, we need to ensure that our service principal or user account has the necessary permissions to create and manage resources in Azure.

Terraform and Azapi: A Brief Introduction

Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and manage cloud infrastructure using human-readable configuration files. Azapi is a Terraform provider specifically designed for Azure, which enables you to create and manage Azure resources using Terraform.

When you use Terraform with Azapi, you need to authenticate with Azure using a service principal or user account. This authentication is used to authorize Terraform to create and manage resources on your behalf.

The Error: “User does not have permissions to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs”

When you try to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs using Terraform (Azapi), you might encounter the following error:

Error: azurecaf_flow_log_flow_log: cannot enable traffic analytics for Flow Log
because "User does not have permissions to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs"

This error occurs when the service principal or user account used by Terraform doesn’t have the necessary permissions to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs.

Solution: Granting Permissions to the Service Principal or User Account

To resolve the error, we need to grant the necessary permissions to the service principal or user account used by Terraform. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Identify the Required Permissions

To enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs, the service principal or user account needs the following permissions:

  • Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/flowLogs/write
  • Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/flowLogs/read
  • Microsoft.Insights OperationalInsights/workspaces/write
  • Microsoft.Insights OperationalInsights/workspaces/read

Step 2: Assign Permissions to the Service Principal or User Account

You can assign permissions to the service principal or user account using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI. Here are the steps for both methods:

Azure Portal

1. Log in to the Azure Portal and navigate to the subscription where you want to enable Traffic Analytics.

2. Click on “Access control (IAM)” and then “Add a role assignment”.

3. Search for the service principal or user account used by Terraform and select it.

4. Assign the “Network Contributor” and “Log Analytics Contributor” roles to the service principal or user account.

5. Click “Add” to save the changes.

Azure CLI

1. Install the Azure CLI and log in to your Azure account using the following command:

az login

2. Assign the necessary permissions to the service principal or user account using the following commands:

az role assignment create --assignee  --role "Network Contributor" --scope /subscriptions//resourceGroups/
az role assignment create --assignee  --role "Log Analytics Contributor" --scope /subscriptions//resourceGroups/

Step 3: Update Terraform Configuration

Once you’ve assigned the necessary permissions, update your Terraform configuration to use the same service principal or user account. Here’s an example:

provider "azapi" {
  tenant_id      = "your_tenant_id"
  client_id      = "your_client_id"
  client_secret = "your_client_secret"
  subscription_id = "your_subscription_id"

resource "azapi_flow_log" "example" {
  name                = "example-flow-log"
  resource_group_name = "example-resource-group"
  network_watcher_name = "example-network-watcher"
  location            = "West US"
  traffic_analytics_enabled = true

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still encountering issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the problem:

  • Verify that the service principal or user account has the correct permissions and roles assigned.
  • Check that the Terraform configuration is using the correct service principal or user account credentials.
  • Ensure that the Azure subscription and resource group are correctly specified in the Terraform configuration.
  • Try using the Azure CLI to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs manually to see if the issue is specific to Terraform.


In this article, we’ve covered the steps to resolve the “User does not have permissions to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs” error when using Terraform (Azapi). By granting the necessary permissions to the service principal or user account and updating the Terraform configuration, you should be able to enable Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs successfully.

Remember to always ensure that your service principal or user account has the necessary permissions and roles assigned to perform the desired actions in Azure.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Azure permissions, Terraform, and Azapi, here are some recommended resources:

Resource Description
Azure RBAC documentation Learn more about Azure role-based access control (RBAC) and how to assign permissions.
Terraform documentation Discover how to use Terraform to manage infrastructure as code (IaC) in Azure.
Azapi documentation Explore the Azapi Terraform provider and how to use it to manage Azure resources.

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the “User does not have permissions” error and enabling Traffic Analytics for Vnet Flow Logs using Terraform (Azapi). If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with enabling Traffic Analytics for VNet Flow Logs via Terraform (Azapi)? Worry not! We’ve got you covered. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you out.

Why am I getting a permission error when trying to enable Traffic Analytics for VNet Flow Logs via Terraform (Azapi)?

You need to ensure that the Azure AD application or service principal has the necessary permissions to enable Traffic Analytics. Specifically, it requires the “Network Contributor” role or higher, as well as the “Microsoft.Insights/NetworkFlowLogs writeTo” permission. Make sure to assign these permissions to the Azure AD application or service principal being used by Terraform.

How do I assign the necessary permissions to my Azure AD application or service principal?

You can assign permissions through the Azure portal or using Azure CLI. For the Azure portal, navigate to the Azure AD application or service principal, go to the “Roles and administrators” section, and add the “Network Contributor” role. For Azure CLI, use the command `az role assignment create –assignee –role ‘Network Contributor’ –scope /subscriptions//resourceGroups/`. Replace ``, ``, and `` with your actual values.

What is the minimum Azure AD role required to enable Traffic Analytics for VNet Flow Logs?

The minimum Azure AD role required is “Network Contributor”. This role provides the necessary permissions to read and write network-related resources, including enabling Traffic Analytics for VNet Flow Logs.

Can I use Terraform to assign the necessary permissions to my Azure AD application or service principal?

Yes, you can use Terraform to assign permissions to your Azure AD application or service principal. You’ll need to use the Azure AD Terraform provider and create a `azurerm_role_assignment` resource, specifying the necessary role and scope.

What if I’m still facing issues with enabling Traffic Analytics for VNet Flow Logs after assigning the necessary permissions?

If you’re still facing issues, double-check that you’ve assigned the correct permissions and roles. Also, ensure that the Azure AD application or service principal has the necessary permissions to read and write VNet Flow Logs. If the issue persists, try enabling Traffic Analytics manually through the Azure portal to isolate the problem. If you’re still stuck, reach out to Azure support for further assistance.

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