Unlock the Power of Parallelism: Recognize std::execution::par C++ Feature in MacOS
Image by Erinne - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Parallelism: Recognize std::execution::par C++ Feature in MacOS

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Are you tired of watching your C++ code crawl along at a snail’s pace, while your multi-core processor sits idle? Do you dream of harnessing the full power of parallelism to speed up your computations and make your applications fly? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the magical world of std::execution::par, a game-changing feature in C++ that allows you to tap into the parallel processing capabilities of your MacOS machine.

What is std::execution::par?

std::execution::par is a feature introduced in C++17, part of the Parallelism TS (Technical Specification). It’s a way to execute algorithms in parallel, leveraging the multiple cores available on modern processors. By using std::execution::par, you can significantly speed up your computations, making your applications more efficient and responsive.

How does it work?

When you use std::execution::par, the C++ runtime environment automatically divides the workload into smaller tasks, which are then executed concurrently across multiple threads. This process is known as parallelism, and it allows your program to take full advantage of the processing power available on your machine.

The beauty of std::execution::par lies in its simplicity. You don’t need to worry about creating threads, synchronizing access, or handling concurrent execution. The C++ runtime environment takes care of all the complexity, leaving you to focus on writing clean, efficient code.

Benefits of std::execution::par

So, why should you care about std::execution::par? Here are just a few benefits:

  • Faster execution times: By parallelizing your computations, you can significantly speed up your applications, making them more responsive and efficient.
  • Better resource utilization: std::execution::par allows you to harness the full power of your multi-core processor, reducing idle time and improving overall system performance.
  • Easier development: With std::execution::par, you don’t need to worry about the complexities of parallel programming. The C++ runtime environment takes care of it all, leaving you to focus on writing clean, efficient code.
  • Improved scalability: As your data sets grow, std::execution::par allows your applications to scale more efficiently, handling larger workloads with ease.

Getting started with std::execution::par in MacOS

Now that you’re excited about std::execution::par, let’s get started! Here are the steps to recognize and utilize this feature in MacOS:


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your MacOS machine:

  • Xcode (latest version)
  • Clang++ compiler (comes with Xcode)
  • C++17 support (enabled by default in Xcode)

Example Code

Create a new C++ project in Xcode, and add the following code to your main.cpp file:

#include <iostream>
#include <execution>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

int main() {
    std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

    std::for_each(std::execution::par, numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), [](int num) {
        // Perform some computation-intensive task
        int result = num * num;
        std::cout << result << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we’re using std::for_each to iterate over a vector of numbers, performing a computation-intensive task (squaring each number) in parallel using std::execution::par. The C++ runtime environment will automatically divide the workload into smaller tasks, executing them concurrently across multiple threads.

Compiling and Running the Code

Compile the code using the following command in your terminal:

$ clang++ -std=c++17 -Wall -pedantic main.cpp -o parallel_example

Run the program using:

$ ./parallel_example

You should see the squared numbers printed to the console, with the computations executed in parallel.

Tips and Best Practices

Now that you’ve started using std::execution::par, here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind:

Use std::execution::par wisely

While std::execution::par can significantly speed up your computations, it’s not always the best choice. Make sure you:

  • Profile your code to identify performance bottlenecks
  • Use std::execution::par only where it makes sense (e.g., computationally intensive tasks)
  • Avoid using std::execution::par for tasks with low computational intensity

Avoid false sharing

When using std::execution::par, be aware of false sharing, which can occur when multiple threads access different parts of the same cache line. To avoid this:

  • Use std::vector<> instead of raw arrays
  • Pad your data structures to minimize false sharing

Monitor and optimize

Keep a close eye on your program’s performance, and optimize as needed:

  • Use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks
  • Experiment with different parallelization strategies
  • Optimize your code for better cache locality and reduced contention


In this article, we’ve explored the magical world of std::execution::par, a powerful feature in C++ that allows you to tap into the parallel processing capabilities of your MacOS machine. By following the instructions and tips outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to recognizing and utilizing this feature in your own projects.

Remember, parallelism is not a silver bullet, and it requires careful consideration and planning to get it right. However, with std::execution::par, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of your multi-core processor, creating faster, more efficient, and more scalable applications.

Feature Description
std::execution::par Enables parallel execution of algorithms
C++17 The C++ standard that introduced std::execution::par
MacOS The operating system that supports std::execution::par

Happy parallelizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of parallelism in your C++ code on MacOS with std::execution::par! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started:

What is std::execution::par and how does it differ from sequential execution?

std::execution::par is a C++ execution policy that enables parallel execution of algorithms, making them run faster and more efficiently. Unlike sequential execution, where tasks are executed one after the other, parallel execution breaks down the task into smaller chunks and executes them simultaneously, utilizing multiple CPU cores.

Which C++ standard version is required to use std::execution::par on MacOS?

You’ll need C++17 or later to take advantage of std::execution::par on MacOS. Make sure your compiler supports this standard version to unlock the power of parallelism in your code.

How do I use std::execution::par with algorithms like std::for_each or std::transform?

To use std::execution::par with algorithms, simply pass it as the first argument to the algorithm function. For example, `std::for_each(std::execution::par, begin, end, callable)` or `std::transform(std::execution::par, begin1, end1, begin2, callable)`. This tells the algorithm to execute in parallel, utilizing multiple threads to speed up the process.

Will std::execution::par work with any type of data or are there limitations?

While std::execution::par is designed to work with various data types, there are some limitations. For example, it may not be suitable for data structures with dependencies between elements or those that require sequential access. Additionally, some algorithms might not be parallelizable due to their inherent nature. Always consider the specific requirements of your algorithm and data when using std::execution::par.

Are there any performance considerations I should be aware of when using std::execution::par?

Yes, keep in mind that parallel execution can introduce overhead due to thread creation, synchronization, and communication. This means that for small datasets or computationally inexpensive tasks, sequential execution might still be faster. Always profile and optimize your code to ensure that parallelism is indeed beneficial for your specific use case.

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