Unlocking the Mystery of Stripe’s PaymentIntents: Why the “Two Way Handshake” Matters
Image by Erinne - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery of Stripe’s PaymentIntents: Why the “Two Way Handshake” Matters

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As an online business owner, you’re no stranger to the world of e-commerce and payment processing. You’ve likely heard of Stripe, one of the most popular payment gateways on the market. But have you ever wondered about the magic behind Stripe’s PaymentIntents and the infamous “two way handshake”? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of payment processing, demystify the concept of PaymentIntents, and reveal why this “handshake” is crucial for secure and seamless transactions.

What are PaymentIntents?

Before we dive into the “two way handshake”, let’s first understand what PaymentIntents are. In simple terms, a PaymentIntent is a Stripe object that represents a payment’s intent to collect funds from a customer. It’s created when a customer initiates a payment, and it’s used to manage the payment flow, including authentication, authorization, and capture.

// Create a new PaymentIntent
curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/payment_intents \
  -d amount=1099 \
  -d currency=usd \
  -d payment_method_types=\['card'\]

What is the “Two Way Handshake”?

Ah, the elusive “two way handshake”! In the context of Stripe PaymentIntents, this term refers to the communication between the client-side (your website or application) and the server-side (Stripe’s servers) to confirm the payment intent and facilitate the payment flow. This handshake involves two main steps:

Step 1: Client-side Confirmation

The client-side initiates the payment flow by creating a PaymentIntent on Stripe’s servers. This intent includes the payment amount, currency, and payment method (e.g., card). The client-side then receives a PaymentIntent ID, which is used to confirm the payment intent.

// Confirm the PaymentIntent on the client-side
  paymentIntent: 'pi_123456789',
  paymentMethod: 'pm_123456789',
  return_url: 'https://example.com/return'

Step 2: Server-side Verification

The server-side receives the confirmed PaymentIntent ID and verifies the payment details with Stripe’s servers. This verification involves checking the payment method, amount, and currency to ensure a secure and legitimate transaction.

// Verify the PaymentIntent on the server-side
curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/payment_intents/pi_123456789/confirm \
  -d payment_method=pm_123456789

Why is the “Two Way Handshake” Important?

The “two way handshake” is essential for securing transactions and preventing fraudulent activity. Here are some reasons why:

  • Authentication**: The client-side confirmation ensures the customer has authorized the payment, while the server-side verification confirms the payment details, preventing unauthorized transactions.
  • Authorization**: The handshake ensures the payment method is valid and the customer has sufficient funds, reducing the risk of declined payments or chargebacks.
  • Security**: The two-way communication helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts the payment details, by verifying the payment intent on both the client-side and server-side.
  • Flexibility**: The “two way handshake” allows for flexibility in payment flows, enabling you to customize the payment experience for your customers.

Best Practices for Implementing the “Two Way Handshake”

To ensure a seamless and secure payment experience, follow these best practices when implementing the “two way handshake” with Stripe PaymentIntents:

  1. Use Stripe’s official libraries**: Utilize Stripe’s official libraries for your programming language to simplify the implementation process and reduce errors.
  2. Validate user input**: Verify user input, such as payment method and amount, to prevent errors and fraudulent activity.
  3. Implement error handling**: Catch and handle errors gracefully, providing a smooth user experience even in cases of payment failures.
  4. Monitor payment metrics**: Keep an eye on payment metrics, such as success rates and decline rates, to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Test thoroughly**: Thoroughly test your payment flow, including edge cases and corner cases, to ensure a bug-free experience.


The “two way handshake” with Stripe PaymentIntents is a crucial aspect of securing and facilitating online transactions. By understanding the concept of PaymentIntents and the importance of this handshake, you can create a seamless and secure payment experience for your customers. Remember to follow best practices, validate user input, and test thoroughly to ensure a smooth and error-free transaction flow.

PaymentIntent ID Payment Method Amount Currency
pi_123456789 pm_123456789 1099 USD

Now that you’ve unlocked the mystery of the “two way handshake” with Stripe PaymentIntents, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Integrate Stripe into your e-commerce platform, and start processing secure and seamless transactions today!

Further Reading:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why Stripe PaymentIntents require a “two-way handshake” – we’ve got the answers you’ve been searching for!

What is a “two-way handshake” in Stripe PaymentIntents, and why is it necessary?

A “two-way handshake” refers to the process of confirming that both the customer and the merchant have agreed on the transaction terms. It’s necessary because it ensures that the customer has explicitly consented to the payment, and the merchant has confirmed the payment details. This handshake provides an additional layer of security and prevents potential disputes orchargebacks.

But why can’t Stripe just auto-confirm the payment intent on behalf of the merchant?

Stripe is a payment platform, not a merchant. It’s the merchant’s responsibility to confirm that they’re ready to accept the payment and fulfill the order. Auto-confirming payments could lead to unintended consequences, such as charging customers without the merchant’s knowledge or consent. The two-way handshake ensures that the merchant has a clear understanding of the payment terms and has explicitly agreed to the transaction.

How does the two-way handshake impact the payment flow?

The two-way handshake adds an extra step to the payment flow, where the merchant needs to confirm the payment intent after the customer has authorized the payment. This confirmation step can be done programmatically or manually, depending on the merchant’s integration with Stripe. Once confirmed, the payment is processed, and the customer is charged.

What happens if the merchant fails to confirm the payment intent?

If the merchant fails to confirm the payment intent, the payment will not be processed, and the customer will not be charged. The payment intent will remain in a “requires_confirmation” state until the merchant confirms it. This ensures that the merchant has a chance to review and validate the payment details before processing the payment.

Is the two-way handshake specific to Stripe, or is it a standard payment industry practice?

The two-way handshake is not unique to Stripe, but rather an industry-standard best practice for online payments. Many payment gateways and platforms require a similar confirmation step to ensure that both parties have agreed on the transaction terms. This practice helps prevent fraud, reduces disputes, and promotes a smoother payment experience for customers and merchants alike.

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